We have perfect testing methods,路讀 equipped with Epstein sq有章uare circle iron loss tes飛器ter, single chip iron對路 losstester, carbon and 樂員sulfur analyzer, oxygen and nitrogen a厭刀nalyzer, resistance tester, muffle 紅場furnace, spectrometer, and othe腦靜r testing equipment to provide reli美從able guarantee for product quality朋是.

We have formed a product research 學湖and development team w對說ith major domestic universities, 書市are committed to continuous explor但麗ation in the field of high-effi問和ciency silicon steel, and姐銀 cooperate in the fie離冷lds of environmental protection,西視 energy saving, gree章相n production, etc. We have str裡也ategic cooperation with China&生遠#39;s transformer core ind用身ustry standard setters to con農為tinuously improve the performan木輛ce of silicon steel product子紙s.