Our company was established in 2007. We讀飛 have always been a people-orie議裡nted enter-prise, holding the concep照作t that great workers make great en費藍terprises, and adhere to the concept舞們 of great love, unity白坐 and cooperation, and cr物西eate value for customers. We neve呢小r stop exploring, innovating, 什湖and advancing.
We are committed to the field 影務of cold rolled sheet, a師通nd have long been a 一師leader in the production o子熱f thin strips, among whic門匠h 0.18 thickness-oriented silico中公n steel and 0.2 thickness high-grade 門店non-oriented silicon ste事行el are well received and approved b國票y customers. We have signe師可d a long-term strate還懂gic cooperation with the largest iron秒道 core manufacturing company i就西n China and the iron core indu小身stry standard setter, We have dee就爸ply cultivated and developed the fie車話ld of carbon neutrality, TBEA High Volt動雪age, photovoltaic inverters, new en妹校ergy charging piles a他光nd other fields, and 去快extensively explored foreign markets花關. Our company is a provincial green術微 factory and a specialized and 熱坐sophisticated enterprise that produ醫如ces new and unique products in她說 jiangsu Province. We sincere綠紅ly welcome relevant ent吃飛erprises to carry out in-depth and睡秒 extensive cooperation.
Stay with the wise,walk 物街with the good.
Maintain the spirit of c議錢raftsmanship, keep an at開畫titude of excellence.